Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Recommended Viewings

I highly recommend the following music-related videos/movies:

Genghis Blues: I understand that Paul P. died last week. He wrote "Jet Airliner" and he was the first non-native to win the Tuvan throat-singing contest. This movie documents the latter accomplishment. Outstanding stuff.

Stop Making Sense: Stop whining -- it is still the best concert movie of all time. At least it is until I make one for XTC -- anyone want to join me?

Urgh! A Music War: This was my first concert movie. I want to make the sequel. Anyone want to join me?

The Mayor of the Sunset Strip: Rodney B. is the ultimate DJ -- in both the best and the worst senses of the term.

Tom Dowd and the Language of Music: Tom was the real-life version of Zelig. He had an amazing knack for being at the right place at the right time in music history. Of course, a lot of that knack came from his smarts and his musical abilities.

Some Kind of Monster: I hate Metallica. I loved this movie.

Dig!: Like "Some Kind of Monster" this movie is an interesting glimpse into the rivalry between two huge and self-destructive egos.

End of the Century: I followed the Ramones since almost the beginning (I was very young when I started). I still learned some things.

Live Forever: This BBC documentary looks at the rise and fall of Britpop with a few excursions into some other realms.

The Beatles Anthology: John was my favorite Beatle. Now it's a tie between John and George, and now I would rather hang out with Ringo.

This Is Spinal Tap: This is still the best mockumentary of all time, though it might as well be a documentary.

A Hard Day's Night: This is (in a sense) a mockumentary, too. So maybe the category of "Best Mockumentary" now has a tie.

I'm sure that I have forgotten some -- I may post more in the future.